After This: a Festival for the Future

Sunday 22nd September 2024
Lovebrook Community Farm, Kingston near Lewes, BN7 3NT
after this picture

Including: Talks, Agroecology tour, Food & Drink, Art, Sauna, Music, Wellbeing and kids nature activities & Equinox celebration

A one day festival on Sunday 22nd September 2024

Lovebrook is an agroecological, community farm and a platform for transition.

Kingston near Lewes, BN7 3NT

Old story, new story
The starting point for this festival is the recognition that we are living through a time of deep and wide transition. Our current civilisation seems to be at a crossroads and is on track to either self-terminate or self-transcend. It appears it could go either way.

As we negotiate our way through the converging crises and emergencies of our time, many of us are feeling that the mainstream response is not going to cut it. But amidst the signs of collapse of our old way of life, a new story has already begun to emerge in every key area – in Education, Health, Money, Production & Consumption, Land, Digital Technology, Food and more.

Many of us are now waking to our collective powers and recognising that there is an invitation here to set our sights on something new, that we can start building a new type of society within the old. People are coming together and finding ways to provide the fundamentals of life for themselves, and judging by the work of pioneering projects, businesses and organisations that are emerging across the world, we have the possibility now to build ourselves a radically new future. One that is decentralised, purpose driven, open source, ecological and connected.

If, like us, you sense that this might be a good time to rethink everything, this festival is aimed at you. Through this day of talks, activities and experiences we hope to offer a starting point for your exploration of, and participation in whatever might be coming next.

What is the focus of talks and activities this year?
Is a truly regenerative, local food system possible?

What is ecological medicine?

What is a healthy human culture and how do we create it?

Is the ‘ownership’ of land just a modern fabrication?

What is the potential of new and ancient wellbeing practices for our collective health?

Contributors include:

Sophy Banks
Sophy was deeply involved in the Transition Network from its inception. She is now Founder and Lead Facilitator of the Healthy Human Culture movement which offers a vision for a world in which societies, communities, workplaces, families and individuals can thrive

Dr Jenny Goodman
Dr Jenny Goodman is a qualified medical doctor, author, practitioner of Ecological Medicine and has been helping people improve their health for over 20 years. She shows how our destruction of the earth’s biosphere also impacts our health, and shows us what we can do to step away from the system that is profoundly affecting our health and our futures.

Keivor John
Keivor’s innovative response to our failing food system was to set up My Little Farm. He has plans for a national network of community owned farms providing food sovereignty to 100,000 families in the UK. 

Pete Russell
Founder of Ooooby – Pete has 20 years experience in the food industry. His mission is to put ‘small-scale’ back at the heart of our food system. One of Ooooby’s game changing innovations is the decentralised ownership of its digital platform.

Check back for information about other contributors and updates..

Tickets – £40

  • Proceeds from this event will support the community and outreach work of Lovebrook, a Community Interest Company. Numbers are limited so advance booking is advisable.
  • We are an inclusive festival – if your financial situation is a genuine barrier to attending this festival, please get in touch to find out about one of our bursaries.
  • There is an opportunity for people whose financial situation allows, to make a ‘pay it forward’ donation on top of their ticket purchase.
  • Children are welcome
  • Food: A delicious vegan chilli, salad and sides from our market garden is available (must be pre-booked at checkout)