A Cinematic Celebration of Resilience and Social Change

An african child

In the illustrious Prince Charles Cinema, S.A.F.E. Kenya unfolded the poignant narrative of ‘Sarah,’ expertly weaving a masterful storytelling tapestry. This cinematic journey explores the challenges faced by a resilient community, from sexual health to gender-based violence, highlighting the transformative influence of art in fostering social change.

A group of people at the cinema
Two people laughing
A group chatting

As the lights dimmed and the screen flickered to life, the audience immersed themselves in a celebration of strength, an ode to the unyielding spirit of communities facing adversity.

‘Sarah’ tells the story of a young girl in Loita navigating the complexities of discussing an alternative rite of passage (ARP) to womanhood, shedding light on the consequences of Female Genital Cutting (FGC). The film traces Sarah’s transformative path, delving into her family’s struggles against the stigma and societal pressures within their community.

As the narrative unfolds, the audience witnesses not only Sarah’s evolution but also the societal challenges shaping her path. Namurru Sarara, a 22-year-old Loita community member and FGC activist, skillfully brings Sarah’s character to life, leveraging her own experiences and the power of film.

A group of Kenyan people smiling
People sitting listing to a speaker

The film serves as a vehicle for sparking vital conversations and advancing the mission of S.A.F.E. Kenya—an innovative NGO dedicated to social change through art. Their impactful storytelling addresses critical issues in hard-to-reach communities, spanning sexual health, gender-based violence, and initiatives for clean water and sanitation. Through ‘Sarah,’ the screening provides a profound education on the complexities of life in Kenya, revealing the challenges faced by communities. S.A.F.E.’s dedicated use of art serves as a poignant reminder of its power in advocating for and supporting holistic behavioural change

Since its inception in 2002 in Mombasa, S.A.F.E.’s journey has transformed into a comprehensive NGO impacting diverse landscapes in Kenya. Founder Nick Reding’s recognition of theatre’s power led to an initiative initially focused on HIV/AIDS education, evolving into a multifaceted NGO with local teams like S.A.F.E. Pwani, S.A.F.E. Maa and S.A.F.E. Samburu, making a tangible difference.

A group of people in Kenya
a Person smiling at the camera

The significance of S.A.F.E.’s work cannot be overstated. In a world where traditional education may fall short, the creative arts offer a unique avenue to communicate complex ideas, challenge prejudices and inspire transformation. ‘Sarah’ courageously confronts the harrowing issue of Early Marriage and FGC, shedding light on these deeply ingrained practices.

This film serves as a powerful tool, raising awareness, challenging harmful norms and advocating for education. It stands as a testament to the indomitable commitment of all involved and is both a celebration of community resilience and a call to action for a better future.

As the credits rolled, the audience departed not just entertained but inspired to be agents of change in their own communities.

Support S.A.F.E. in screening their film in vulnerable Kenyan communities by donating here

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