Our 2022 Roundup


On behalf of our team, we wish you a wonderful and prosperous holiday season and our sincerest thanks for your work in the community in 2022. We hope the rest of your year is relaxing and peaceful.

It was great to see so many of you at the Royal Pavillion ice rink on Tuesday a couple of weeks ago, and we hope you and your guests enjoyed the evening as much as we did. We loved receiving your feedback. Thank you!

This calendar year, we are thrilled to have awarded over £500,000 in grants across the Brighton & Hove area and to our partners abroad. We have made around 70 grants in areas of social importance, education, health & well-being, environment, and Arts & Culture. We couldn’t be prouder to be a part of this growing network and have the opportunity to support our partners on their journeys.

We wanted to share some highlights from the year and inform you of what’s in store for the year ahead. So please take a few minutes to read our 2022 round-up and plans for next year.

We are lucky that there is just too much positive news to share with you all from this year. So we have picked out a few of our partners’ achievements to get you in the mood for the festivities and show you the broad range of unique projects we have supported this year.


This year, our partners, The Launchpad Collective, helped their client Mohamas Aljasem on his journey to becoming an actor, and he debuted in Netflix’s The Swimmers @theswimmersfilm. This powerful film is based on the life story of two sisters following their journey from Syria to the Olympics and is undoubtedly one to watch over the festive period.


This year ONCA announced its 2022 ONCA Barge Residency programme supported by Enjoolata. ONCA is a Brighton-based arts charity that bridges social and environmental justice issues with creativity. Its mission is to promote positive change by facilitating inclusive spaces for creative learning, artist support, story-sharing, and community solidarity.

Lagos-based photographer Bernard Kalu completed the residency on ONCA Barge in April. ‘Onye Ocha Biara Uwa Ojii,’ the body of work that emerged, is a continuation of Kalu’s exploration of colourism. Please take some time to view this powerful body of work on ONCA’s website.


When we first launched our grants programme in 2020, it was one of our key goals to connect projects that could strengthen each other’s work and help create magic within our community. We wanted to help grow a vital ecosystem of people doing good and inspiring one another.

Towards the end of 2021, we introduced The Nest Collective, a leading cultural force in environmental advocacy, to our partners, the refugee charity The Hummingbird Project.
With help from an Enjoolata grant, an extraordinary partnership evolved. The project culminated in a day in the woods for young people from various cultures and countries where they could make genuine connections with artists and each other and feel seen.

We were informed that the participants had huge smiles on the day and felt more connected after spending the day together in nature. ‘The ‘buzz’ of the day fed into the positive energy at the group meeting the following week’.


We were so inspired by this partnership and so sad to miss the day in the woods that we invited Saied Silbak to contribute to our first-ever ‘Enjoolata Curates’ playlist on Spotify. Listen here. Keep an eye out on our Instagram page for new playlists as we collaborate with one partner every month to bring you a guest playlist from around the world.

Listen here >


We are thrilled to hear that so many of our partners are meeting at our coffee mornings and connecting through our foundation, and we cannot wait to see how all of these collaborations develop next year!


In 2023 we will launch a pilot scheme with Annie Murray, the Director of the film production company Edit Sweet Ltd & founder of HORIZON, a charity supporting people in recovery to find a new creative way of life.

In Collaboration with Annie, we will provide some of our partners with a unique opportunity to develop their media and storytelling skills. Places for this training will be minimal, so keep an eye out in your inboxes and our social media channels for updates in the new year!

If you are keen to register your initial interest, please email daisy@enjoolata.org, and you will be the first to receive information.


This year we undertook some transformative work with Personal, Executive & Leadership Coach Louise Graham. We worked with Louise to analyse our successes and redefine our goals in the ‘Theory of Change’ process. We look forward to sharing this with you in the New Year.

To help you get kickstarted for the year ahead, Louise is offering a one-off workshop for free, exclusively to our partners.

Louise will help you move into 2023 with more energy, joy, and focus. Upon completing the course, you will receive a free workbook to review & reflect on your own or with your team.


We are thrilled to re-open our Enjoolata Community Grant Applications in the new year. Applications will be open from the 3rd of January until the 17th of January, 2023.

The Programme will support smaller organisations with bold ideas implementing social and environmental change, helping to realise our vision of a fairer, healthier, happier, and more sustainable world.

We are most interested in making these grants to organisations that identify and work on the root causes of problems and approach issues with a commitment to long-term social and environmental change.

We are excited to see which applications come in and hear about all the fantastic projects within Brighton & Hove. For our criteria and more information about applying, visit our website.

SEE YOU IN 2023!

Thanks again to all of you for the difference you are making in the world, and we look forward to catching up with new and old faces in the new year!

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